Business school is considered to be a high-level institution where one can get a degree(a diploma) in business related specializations. Usually business schools offer programs like Business Administration, Event planning, ass kinds of Management, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, etc. Business school can be private or publicly funded.

In this case, SSHE is a private business school, that is why we can offer our students only partial scholarship aid. As a business school, we have a large range of programs and different levels of degrees starting from short courses and undergraduate foundation — to MBA and Doctorate degree courses, as well as tailor made Executive MBA degrees. Some programs support Progression Study Mode, which allows students to change their studying residence during the course.

Compared to university, business school has its own distinguished benefits. Going to business school to pursue a degree is key for professionals who want to develop their skills and advance their careers in a short period of time. Let’s say you have a big successful business and you are thinking about expanding it to the new region. You’ve seen that lately your product has been popular within Switzerland and your reliable adviser assured you that the public interest is going to rise and stay there for a while. In that case you could take a short business program that covers local business strategies and peculiarities. Right there you can see how it works and why, what are local experts saying(maybe even present them your business project and ask what they think about your idea), and try something out on the spot. Such programs usually include industrial visits or closed gatherings.

Choosing a business school as the next step in your self-development (or business) path will help you work with up-to-date information and skills on a topic that interests you.